Why install gutter guards?

  • Gutter guards

    Looking for a hassle-free way to maintain your gutters? Gutter guards are the solution! They keep debris out, reducing the need for regular cleaning and preventing clogs that cause water damage and erosion. Gutter guards also protect against pests, extend the life of your gutters by preventing rust and corrosion, and ensure your gutters function smoothly year-round. Save time, money, and effort with gutter guards — your home’s first line of defense!

  • Reduced maintenance

    While gutter guards offer reliable protection against seasonal debris, keeping your gutters functional year-round, regular maintenance is still essential. We recommend servicing them at least once every two years. This involves lifting the guards and thoroughly clearing out any debris that has accumulated. Although the guards will significantly reduce debris, having this kin of maintenance done ensures they continue to protect your home for years to come.

  • Service you can trust

    Not satisfied with the result, or is there a spot we missed? Let us know within 72 hours, and we'll be right there to fix it - free of charge! We believe in building trustworthy relations with our clients and take quality concerns very seriously.

    And, with our gutter guards, we believe in the product so much, we'll give you a lifetime warranty on any gutter guard installed.

Contact Us

London Cleans provides residential and commercial gutter cleaning, window cleaning, and house washing services in and around London, Ontario.

Contact us today for a free quote and we’ll make sure to fit your needs! We understand that life gets busy, so we offer flexible scheduling, including weekends and evenings.